Category: Uncategorized

Weekly OHDSI Digest-May 17, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us this Tuesday, May 18, (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI Community Call, when representatives from the PIONEER Prostate Cancer Study-A-Thon will provide a full report on the five-day event and ongoing work that came from it.

Weekly OHDSI Digest – May 10, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, May 11 (11 am ET) for our next community call, which will feature two debates surrounding our efforts to efficiently and reliably generate robust real-world evidence across multiple data sources. The topics and debaters will be:

Weekly OHDSI Digest-May 3, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, May 4, at 11 am ET for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will include update presentations on four of our workgroups. You will learn about the individual workgroups, hear about some recent accomplishments, as well

Weekly OHDSI Digest-April 26, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, April 27, at 11 am ET for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will be our first Network Session-themed call. Following our community updates, we will use the website GatherTown to facilitate this session and allow all attendees

Weekly OHDSI Digest – April 19, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, April 20, at 11 am ET for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will focus on “Local Impacts of OHDSI.” We often discuss the global network studies ongoing in OHDSI, but there are important impacts happening

Weekly OHDSI Digest- April 12, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: Please join us for our next OHDSI Community Call on Tuesday, April 13 at 11 am ET for a session of 10-minute tutorials on open-source tools that can aid your research. We are thrilled to welcome Michael Kallfelz (ATHENA/Vocabulary), Asieh

Weekly OHDSI Digest-April 5, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: Please join us for the next OHDSI Community Call (Tuesday, April 6, 11 am ET) for an update on OHDSI Network Studies. We will have overview presentations from six community collaborators. • Seng Chan You: Cancer Risk

Weekly OHDSI Digest- March 29, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: Please join us for the next OHDSI Community Call (Tuesday, March 30, 11 am ET) for our March Data Visualization Challenge session. We’ll discuss data visualizations in general, and then several community collaborators will share and

Weekly OHDSI Digest- March 22, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: Please join us for the next OHDSI Community Call (Tuesday, March 23, 11 am ET) for a presentation on OHDSI’s work with the FDA BEST program to support its mission to conduct safety and effectiveness surveillance

Weekly OHDSI Digest-March 15, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: Join us for the next OHDSI Community Call (Tuesday, March 16, 11 am ET) for a trio of research presentations on advances in patient-level prediction . • Jenna Reps will present “Best Practices for Prediction Using Observational Data” • Henrik
