Category: Uncategorized

Weekly OHDSI Digest- April 24, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our April 25 community call (11 am ET) for the fifth tutorial in our Save Our Sisyphus Challenge. This session will provide an in-depth discussion on analysis design, and it will be led by Patrick

Weekly OHDSI Digest-April 17, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our April 18 community call (11 am ET) for the fourth tutorial in our Save Our Sisyphus Challenge. This session will provide an in-depth discussion on phenotype evaluation, and it will be led by:

Weekly OHDSI Digest- April 10, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our April 11 community call (11 am ET) for the third tutorial in our Save Our Sisyphus Challenge. This session will provide an in-depth discussion on phenotype evaluation, and it will be led by:

Weekly OHDSI Digest- April 3, 202

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our April 4 community call (11 am ET) for the second tutorial in our Save Our Sisyphus Challenge. This session will provide an in-depth discussion on running data diagnostics, and it will be led

Weekly OHDSI Digest-March 27, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our March 28 community call (11 am ET) for the official kickoff of our Save Our Sisyphus Challenge. This session will provide an overview of how the two-month event will take place and announce

Weekly OHDSI Digest- March 20, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our March 21 community call (11 am ET) to hear about five recent publications from the OHDSI community. We will hear about the following studies from the listed publication leads: 1) Rates of Antipsychotic

Weekly OHDSI Digest- March 13, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our March 14 community call (11 am ET) for one of our most popular sessions, the OHDSI Debates! We will host two debates during this call. Debate 1: An authority has provided me an ICD-10

Weekly OHDSI Digest-March 6, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our March 7 community call (11 am ET) to hear about the research submissions shared for the Save Our Sisyphus Network Study Challenge. We will hear about four study ideas that could serve as

Weekly OHDSI Digest – February 27, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our Feb. 28 community call (11 am ET) for our Week 4 update on Phenotype Phebruary, which has been led by Gowtham Rao and Azza Shoaibi. While there were ongoing discussions about all phenotypes over the last

Weekly OHDSI Digest-February 20, 2023

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our Feb. 21 community call (11 am ET) for our third update on Phenotype Phebruary, which is being led by Gowtham Rao and Azza Shoaibi. The phenotype discussions that were featured during Week 3 included Parkinson’s disease
