Author: Elisse Katzman

Weekly OHDSI Digest- January 17, 2021

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Jan. 18 (11 am) for our next OHDSI Community Call, when we bring the OHDSI workgroups together in Gathertown for meetings and introductions. If you are part of a workgroup, this is a

Weekly OHDSI Digest- January 10, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Jan. 11 (11 am ET) for our first OHDSI community call of 2022! After sharing community updates from the last month, we will take our first look ahead at OHDSI’s goals for the coming

Weekly OHDSI Digest-December 20, 2021

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS There are no more community calls in 2021. We look forward to resuming the OHDSI Tuesday Community Calls on January 11, 2022. Happy New Year to the OHDSI Community and see you next year! WEEKLY WORKING

Weekly OHDSI Digest-December 13, 2021

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us for our holiday-themed final community call of 2021 on Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 11 am ET. This was one of our most popular calls of last year, and we have some fun surprises

Weekly OHDSI Digest- December 6, 2021

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Dec. 7 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI community call, when we reflect on 2021. Where did we succeed? Where did we fall short? What progress came from our workgroups? How can we

Weekly OHDSI Digest- November 29, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Nov. 30 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI community call, when the OHDSI 2021 Global Symposium Best Community Contribution Award recipients present their research. The winning showcase submissions, as voted on by the community, and

Weekly OHDSI Digest-November 22, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Nov. 23 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI community call, when we learn more about the history of our OHDSI community. We will hear about the original Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Project, how that

Weekly OHDSI Digest-November 15, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Nov. 16 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI community call, when we will highlight six OHDSI network studies that are either ongoing or are close to starting. You will hear about the exciting work happening

Weekly OHDSI Digest-November 8, 2021

Please join us Tuesday, Nov. 9 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI community call, when we will have three demos to educate the community about tools to use for the adoption of our OHDSI data standards. Topics and presenters are available

Weekly OHDSI Digest-November 1, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Nov. 2 (11 am ET) for our next Community Call, when we will engage in discussions on future collaboration opportunities within OHDSI. As our global community starts to turn its attention towards 2022, we hope these
