Author: Elisse Katzman

Weekly OHDSI Digest-August 29, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Aug. 30 (11 am ET) for our next community call, when we will hear about two exciting initiatives coming out of our colleagues at the European Health Data & Evidence Network (EHDEN), the EHDEN

Weekly OHDSI Digest-August 22, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Aug. 23 (11 am ET) for our next community call, when we will hear updates from four of our workgroups. We are looking forward to hearing about some of our WGs from the following

Weekly OHDSI Digest-August 15, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Aug. 16 (11 am ET) for our next community call, when we’ll introduce an opportunity to meet and mingle with many new community members via our own version of ‘speed dating.’ Everybody is invited.

Weekly OHDSI Digest-August 8, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, Aug. 9 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI community call, when leads from each of the six Asia-Pacific (APAC) regional chapters provide mid-year updates. We will hear about the exciting work, activities, ongoing

Weekly OHDSI Digest-August 1, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our Aug. 2 (11 am ET) community call for a panel discussion on what it takes to build organizational support for adopting the OMOP CDM and OHDSI tools, as well as building organizational capacity for conducting

Weekly OHDSI Digest- July 25, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join our July 26 (11 am ET) community call, as Clair Blacketer and members of the CDM workgroup lead a session on what to do when your data does not fit into the OMOP CDM. Our

Weekly OHDSI Digest- July 18, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, July 19 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will feature a new set of workgroup updates: • Early-Stage Researchers (Faaizah Arshad) • NLP (Hua Xu) • Phenotype Development & Evaluation

Weekly OHDSI Digest-July 11, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, July 12 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will be focused on new adopters of the OMOP CDM or new members of the OHDSI community. We are welcoming people to

Weekly OHDSI Digest-July 4, 2022

Happy July 4th! There is no OHDSI community call on Tuesday, July 5. WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, July 12 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will be focused on new adopters of the OMOP

Weekly OHDSI Digest- June 27, 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY CALL MEETINGS Please join us Tuesday, June 28 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will focus on the 2022 OHDSI European Symposium! Nigel Hughes, Scientific Director at Janssen, will provide a recap of all three days
