Christophe G. Lambert, PhD
Associate Professor
University of New Mexico, Center for Global Health, Division of Translational Informatics, Deptpartment of Internal Medicine
In August 2014, Dr. Lambert became a faculty member in the University of New Mexico Center for Global Health, Division of Translational Informatics and Department of Internal Medicine. His research focuses on analyzing longitudinal healthcare data for predictive and preventative medicine, in collaboration with other members of the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics program. He is currently developing statistical and computational tools to compare treatment options and obtain better estimates of expected health outcomes despite large biases and confounding in the data, with a focus on mental illness.
This research builds on and continues nearly 15 years of analytic research in the genetic causes of disease performed during Dr. Lambert’s tenure as founder and CEO of bioinformatics company, Golden Helix. Golden Helix software and services empower scientists to accelerate research productivity, determine the genetic causes of disease, facilitate genetic testing, develop diagnostics and advance the quest for personalized medicine. Serving hundreds of researchers on six continents, its customers include the world’s top pharmaceutical, biotech and clinical and academic research organizations. Golden Helix products and services have been cited in thousands of peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Lambert has sustained scientific and thought leadership for the company through publication and speaking, with widely attended webcasts and popular blog articles that advocate for systemic improvement of healthcare and research.
Thompson JC, Komesu YM, Qeadan F, Jeppson PC, Cichowski SB, Rogers RG, Mazurie AJ, Nestsiarovich A, Lambert CG, Dunivan GC. Trends in patient procurement of postoperative opioids and route of hysterectomy in the United States from 2004 through 2014. Am J Obstet Gynecol. July 2018. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2018.07.003.
Lambert CG, Mazurie AJ, Lauve NR, Hurwitz NG, Young SS, Obenchain RL, Hengartner NW, Perkins DJ, Tohen M, Kerner B. Hypothyroidism risk compared among nine common bipolar disorder therapies in a large US cohort. Bipolar Disord. 2016;18(3):247-260.
Boyce RD, Ryan PB, Noren GN, et al. Bridging Islands of Information to Establish an Integrated Knowledge Base of Drugs and Health Outcomes of Interest. Drug Saf. 2014 Jul 2;2:2.
Learning from our GWAS mistakes: from experimental design to scientific method. Biostatistics (Oxford, England). 2012; 13(2):195-203. PMID: 22285994
Genome-wide association study in bipolar patients stratified by co-morbidity. PloS one. 2011; 6(12):e28477. PMID: 22205951
The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models. Nature biotechnology. 2010; 28(8):827-38. PMID:20676074