Weekly OHDSI Digest – January 8, 2024


Happy New Year! Please join our first community call of the year on Tuesday, Jan. 9, for a discussion on what OHDSI can achieve together in 2024.

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls are available within our Teams environment and will be posted on both our YouTube page and our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.


Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI


Congratulations to the team of Yoon Jin Choi, Tae Jun Kim, Chang Seok Bang, Yong Kang Lee, Moon Won Lee, Su Youn Nam, Woon Geon Shin, and Seung In Seo on the publication of Changing trends and characteristics of peptic ulcer disease: A multicenter study from 2010 to 2019 in Korea in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

• Congratulations to the team of Pierre Heudel, Hugo Crochet, Thierry Durand, Philippe Zrounba, and JeanYves Blay on the publication of From data strategy to implementation to

advance cancer research and cancer care: A French comprehensive cancer center experience in PLOS Digital Health.

• Congratulations to the team of Cynthia YangEgill FridgeirssonJan KorsJenna Reps and Peter Rijnbeek on the publication of Impact of random oversampling and random undersampling on the performance of prediction models developed using observational health data in the Journal of Big Data.

• Congratulations to the team of Christian Reich, Anna Ostropolets, Patrick Ryan, Peter Rijnbeek, Martijn Schuemie, Alexander Davydov, Dmitry Dymshyts, and George Hripcsak on the publication of OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies-a large-scale centralized reference ontology for international data harmonization in JAMIA.


Chungsoo Kim is a PhD candidate in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Ajou University College of Medicine. Since joining OHDSI in 2019, he has participated in and led several research projects at OHDSI. He currently participates in OHDSI working groups, including PatientLevelPrediction and the APAC group. He also served as a tutorial instructor for the 2019 OHDSI Korea International Symposium. Chungsoo discusses his research focuses, his involvement in the OHDSI community, the growth of OHDSI around the Asia-Pacific region, and plenty more in the latest Collaborator Spotlight.

• The latest edition of the OHDSI newsletter is now available, and it includes the December video presentations of the year in review and OHDSI’s first 10 years. It also features community updates, December publications and presentations, and plenty more.

• Research from the 2023 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase can be viewed on the Global Symposium Showcase page. Research is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedInTwitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:

Monday — A Toxin Vocabulary for the OMOP CDM Park (Maksym Trofymenko)

Tuesday — Developing a perinatal expansion table for the OMOP common data model (Alicia Abellan)

Wednesday — External validation using clinical domain knowledge from the SNOMED medical terms hierarchy (Henrik John)

Thursday — Estimating the comparative risk of kidney failure associated with intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) exposure in patients with blinding diseases (Cindy Cai)

Friday — Characteristics and outcomes of over a million inflammatory bowel disease subjects in seven countries: a multinational cohort study (Chen Yanover)

HADES Development Updates

• Martiijn Schuemie announced the releases of CohortMethod 5.2.0 and EmpiricalCalibration 3.1.2. The CohortMethod release focuses on generalizability, by comparing the population after all adjustments (e.g. PS matching) to the population before all adjustments, and report any characteristics that have changed. The choice of population to consider for generalizability is now driven by your analysis choices. For example, if you use PS matching, (implying ATT), generalizability will be computed for the target (treated) population.

• Egill Fridgeirsson announced the release of DeepPatientLevelPrediction 2.0.3. This bugfix release only includes one change which was necessary because one of my dependencies introduced a breaking change (polars) which broke some functionality in the package.

• Joel Swerdel announced the release of PheValuator 2.2.11. This adds the capability to include multiple visits per subject in the evaluation cohort.

Job Openings

 There is an opening for a Data Steward position at the EBMT. Among the responsibilities is the design, implementation and testing of new data collection processes including data collection forms (DCFs) development, as well as the mapping of new items from DCFs to the OMOP CDM.


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Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community